Permit to arrange matches for a specified time period or until further notice

Associations and organisations responsible for combat sports can apply for a permit to arrange one or more combat sports matches during a specified time period or until further notice.

A permit for a specified time period or until further notice may cover organizers affiliated with the association, if the organizer is a member of the association and bound by the regulations adopted by the association. The permit is not tied to individual combat sports matches.

Application for combat sports matches during a specified time period or until further notice

Apply at least three months before the first match is scheduled.

The organisations contact information

Contact person (represents the organisation)

Description of the organisation/association

Type of combat sports

Scope of the permit

Are you applying for a specific time period or until further notice?  * (mandatory)
Are you applying for a specific time period or until further notice?

Additional information
Must always be submitted

Other important factors to be taken into consideration
Have you previously applied for a permit? * (mandatory)
Have you previously applied for a permit?

The form cannot be submitted if your attachments are larger than 10 Mb. Contact your County Administrative Board for assistance.

All fields marked with * are mandatory.

How we process your personal data

Application fee

The application fee is SEK 1 660. The fee is to be paid when the application is submitted.

Payment is to be made to the County Administrative Board in Örebro county, bankgiro 5051-7697. Mark the payment with Permit for Combat sports matches, Account no. 8680" and the name of the person/organisation applying for the permit.

What happens when the application is sent in?

When an application has been received and the fee is paid, a case officer will check that the application is complete. You will recieve a proof of receipt if the application is complete. The Combat Sports Delegation will then make a decision if a permit will be approved or not. The Combat Sports Delegation are independant from The County Administrative Board.

When will the association receive a decision?

We notify you about our decision within three months from receiving the application. If the inquiry requires more time, the processing time will be extended with maximum three months.

What determines if an application is approved or not?

Permission is granted on the condition that competition rules and safety regulations mean acceptable safety for the participants. The government has given certain guidelines when assessing the application regarding:

  • clear rules
  • rule content
  • equipment
  • the combat area
  • procedure after knockout
  • follow-up
  • possibility to cancel an uneven match
  • match length
  • age limit for participants
  • requirements for the organizer.

More information regarding the Government's guidlines when assessing combat sports matches subjected to permits can be found on the Government's website.

Appeal a decision

If The Combat Sports Delegation decides not to grant permission or if the delegation revokes a previous permission, the decision can be appealed to a general administrative court. In this case, the first instance is the Administrative Court in Karlstad.

Send your appeal to the County Administrative Board in Örebro county:

Länsstyrelsen i Örebro län
701 86 ÖREBRO

