Salvage in water

Do you want to salvage a sunken object that has been abandoned by its owner? If so, you can apply to the County Administrative Board for exclusive rights to the salvage.

The exlusive rights of the salvage are valid during a limited period of time at a designated place. This means that nobody else is allowed to pick up items from the sunken objects. You can apply to the County Administrative Board for exlusive rights to the salvage of sunken objects.

The condition is that the object does not have an owner or that the owner does not intend to salvage it.

If you are denied the exclusive right to salvage, this does not mean that it is forbidden to salvage the object, but others may claim it.

Be aware that salvaging, removing or digging around older ships is forbidden. Shipwrecks older than 1850 or that have been declared ancient remains by the County Administrative Board are protected according to Sweden's Historic Environment Act (kulturmiljölagen). You need a permit to remove or excavate an ancient site.
