Gender equality

The County Administrative Board supports regional actors in equality matters. We work to make the whole county equal.

Gender equality means that girls and boys, women and men have the same opportunities to form the society and their own lives. Gender equality is created where decisions are made, resources are allocated, and standards are set. Therefore, perspectives on gender equality must be included in all daily work operations in municipalities, authorities, businesses, associations, and other organisations. Gender equality is a clear political goal in Sweden and public actors must work towards reaching the gender equality goals.

An equal county

The County Administrative Board are tasked, among other things, with:

  • support the work with equality integration in state authorities at regional and local level
  • coordinate, support and follow up the regional work to achieve the gender equality policy goals
  • work for the impact of the gender equality policy goals in the county
  • integrate an equality perspective into the activities of the County Administrative Board.

We also have an assignment to support regional actors in their efforts to make their operations equal. Gender mainstreaming is the main strategy used to meet the objectives. This strategy has evolved to counteract the tendency for equality issues to be obscured, or pushed aside, in daily operations and activities.

Regional conditions are to set the baseline for the gender mainstreaming strategies. It is also of importance that the strategies are based on an analysis of how different orders of power and basis of discrimination affect and enhance each other – a so-called intersectional analysis.

Gender equality policy objectives

We base our work on the Government’s national gender equality policy. The objective is that women and men shall have the same power to shape the society and their own lives. To reach those goals, we work from six national milestones. The milestones are dependent on each other. They reinforce and presuppose each other, and together they form a whole.

An even distribution of power and influence

Women and men shall have the same right and opportunity to actively practice their citizenship and shape the conditions for decision making.

Economic equality

Women and men shall have the same opportunities in terms of paid work that provides economic independence for life.

Equal education

Women and men, girls and boys, shall have the same opportunities and conditions in terms of education, choice of studies and personal development.

An even distribution of unpaid home and care work

Women and men shall share the responsibility for the work at home evenly and have the opportunity to give and receive care on equal terms.

Equal health

Women and men, boys and girls, shall have the same opportunities to a good health as well as being offered health care and care on equal terms.

Men’s violence against women shall end

Women and men, girls and boys, shall have the same right and opportunity to a bodily identity.
